Increasing Prayer Coverage in Mesa County!
Believers in the Grand Junction area (Mesa County) are awakening to their identity and authority to bring God's Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. Over 64 people are now engaged in The Cover The County Prayer Task Force. They are responding to the call to intercede for the region with the authority of Jesus here on earth. They are moving between the physical and spiritual realms beseeching God to establish His government throughout the county and spiritually fight for the God-given freedoms of those who cannot or will not fight for themselves.
At the December, 2021 meeting, the following victories were shared:
1. 150 people spoke the Lord's Prayer together asking for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven at the last school board meeting!
2. The Mayor of Fruita sought to reinstitute prayer at the City Council Meetings. Although his peers on the Council voted against it, they voted for and approved a moment of silence. Now, the citizens (backed by the mayor) will bring a petition forward to have this item of opening in prayer put on the ballot this spring.
3. Members of the team have committed to regularly pray over every school (all but 5 are covered) and every government building plus the newspaper building (media sphere). Others have committed to attend and pray at every school board meeting, city council meeting and county commissioner meeting. Finally, key pastors from the team meet regularly with several city leaders to pray for their personal needs. More leaders are being contacted and offered regular prayer meetings.
These actions are effectively making straight the pathways and re-establishing Jesus' right ruling again within our local government.
We also Worshipped:
1. Worship declares God the victor!
2. Worship opens up the heavens and releases the heavenly host to battle.
Lastly, we prayed:
1. We interceded for our government, schools, marketplace, families, first responders, media and church leaders.
2. We thanked God in advance for the victories to come.
3. We viewed and prayed over the map that has been created to show the areas of the Grand Valley that are covered by our prayers and those yet to be covered.
4. We prayed blessings over the Prayer Walk throughout downtown Grand Junction planned for March, 2022.