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Youth Suicides Decline in Mesa County

Suicides among youth ages 10 - 19 were spiraling out of control during the 2016-2017 school year in Mesa County and across the state. There were 7 youth suicides in Mesa County during that school year according to the Coroners' office . Since 2016, people praying with Colorado Prays in the Front Range have been asked to address the issue of Colorado youth suicides as part of the Monthly Prayer Digest. People in Mesa County went to prayer as well. Parents and neighbors met in school gyms to pray. Young people were encouraged to reach out to the disenfranchised in their schools. Lives were changed. The beautiful combination of God's people reaching out to hurting youth resulted in only 2 youth suicides in Mesa County during the 2017-2018 school year (which is lower but 2 too many). God is good! He answers prayer when His people humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways and pray. The goal is no youth suicides. Toward this end, the people of Mesa County continue to pray for the youth in schools and there is an Adopt a School Initiative underway throughout the county to keep up the prayer coverings over the schools. Please agree with us for NO suicides in Colorado!

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