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Righteousness Prevails

I have been a believer since I was 4 years old. I was raised in a Full Gospel Church (I challenged my faith in my teen years for sure) and have not walked away from the faith. When I was 28, God called me to be a pastor. I pastored in the Church for a number of years until my wife of 20 years decided she did not want to be a pastor's wife or a believer, she left me with my three girls. This caused me to forfeit/surrender my ministry license and seek the Lord for my future. Through prayer, The Father urged me to apply to the Denver Sheriff Department (I did not apply anywhere else). Though it usually takes 9 months to 2 years to get this type of position, God greased the wheels and I was in the academy within a very short 45 days.

While in the academy, I was approached by a high ranking member of the Department asking me to help start a Chaplaincy (which had never existed since the inception of the Department in 1902).

God again greased the wheels and the Unit was approved and I became the first sanctioned Chaplain for the Department. Three years of celibacy, and without seeking any other relationship than with the Father; the Lord saw fit to give me a new wife and we had a daughter together (many miraculous things in that).

Since our 1Church Initiative Prayer Trust started last year, I have been under personal attack as an individual, as a Christian man, and as a professional. I have been involved with certain cases in the Department where I was brought under significant scrutiny and had three active investigations against me. During these investigations, I was being threatened with termination. However, righteousness has prevailed and I have received no significant documentable discipline in two cases. In the one case where I was disciplined, I appealed and won my case, causing the Department to fully restore to me all that was sanctioned during the investigation.

In another situation, I was physically attacked by a person in the jail who severely scratched my neck and tried to crush my larynx/throat. This individual was charged with 2nd-degree assault on a Peace Officer. Through this event, I have been able to testify God’s love to the District Attorney and I am going to be given an opportunity to share, in open court, the grace of God, His deliverance, and mercy. As part of this testimony, I will offer forgiveness to this individual in the name of Christ Jesus. God’s righteousness prevails! We have seen God move mountains and we are going to persevere no matter what. Our God is ever faithful and He is on His throne.

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