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church prayer watch

A Simple Prayer Model!

This is a Movement of United, Strategic, Sustainable Prayer based on Neh 4:20. 


When you hear the sound of the Trumpet, join us there where our God will fight for us!

24/x7 Prayer Goal 


When 30+ churches in the county each host a Church Prayer Watch on a different day of the month, the county will be covered in non-stop, transformational prayer that ALL MIGHT BE SAVED!

Current Coverage


Every hour, every day, every month is covered in non-stop, day and night prayer statewide!  We now need to double the coverage to assure coverage when some churches inevitably step off the prayer wall in the future. 


Click the button below to see the coverage for your county.

Praying Hands

Why Join the Church Prayer Watch?

Why Join the Church Prayer Watch?

  • Be a part of something much bigger than your church.                     (See the Grand Junction testimony about the reduction in youth suicides).

  • Experience your people actively grow in intimacy with the Father and compassion for one another as they pray​

  • Have your church covered in 24x7 prayer in partnership with other churches in the county.​

  • Engage more congregants in active prayer ministry - teach them a prayer lifestyle.​

  • Enhance your "House of Prayer" - build a culture of prayer.

  • Be an active part of the transformation of your community...Watch as God impacts your community through united prayer resulting in fewer suicides, less crime, better marriages, enhanced graduation rates, more faith & Godliness, less fear, anger & rebellion and more.

  • See more church starts in your community - to reach more people for Christ it has happened in Bellingham, WA (80 church plants in 10 years of sustained prayer)!

A Church Prayer Watch starts at 6pm on the day you choose and ends at 6pm the next day.  Engaging is easy!

  1. Adopt one 24hr (or half day)  Prayer Watch the same day each month.

  2. Plan Your Prayer watch – at the church, let individuals pray on their own, use a conference bridge or host a Zoom Call for your monthly Prayer Watch.

  3. Promote Your Prayer Watch to your congregation.

  4. Teach your people more about prayer to encourage them to engage.

  5. Choose a Prayer Watch Coordinator.

Get Started​

Pick The Day for Your Monthly Prayer Watch.  Check out the current Church Prayer Watch coverage in your county. Pick an open day or any day that works for you.

Church Sign Up Form

Thank you for Signing Up!

Become a Prayer Watch Coordinator

Are you considering being the Prayer Coordinator for your church's Prayer Watch for Colorado Prays?  Click below to see the responsibilities of this role.

Participating Churches
Church Name

Sign Up Forms

Download forms to help your people sign up for prayer watch timeslots!

Bulletin Inserts

Invite your congregation to take a timeslot in your church's Monthly Prayer Watch.​ Download the full page or half page bulletin insert.

Host a ChURCH prayer watch

Vintage Alarm Clocks

A Simple Prayer Model!


Each participating church or group hosts a 24 hour Prayer Watch (or half day) the same day each month (the 1st Wed, 3rd Saturday, 2nd Monday, etc). The Church or group can complete the Prayer Watch on their own or in partnership with another church.Your Prayer Watch will start at 6pm on the day you choose and end at 6pm the next day.


The 24 hour Prayer Watch can be hosted any way you feel led; at your church, through a teleconference bridge or individually in the homes of your people. 

Recruit people to pray in 30 or 60 minute time slots.  You can manage your signups using an online tool (we recommend or via paper forms available on this site.

Welcome to the spiritual unity of Colorado Prays!

  • Your commitment to join Colorado Prays, means that you agree to host at least one 12 or 24hr Prayer Watch each month for at least 12 months.


  • Pick Your Day from the drop down list in the form below - 1st Monday, 4th Friday, 2nd Tuesday, etc.   

    • Check out the current Prayer Watch coverage in your county.​​

Get Started Today
Church Prayer Watch Coverage

Although it would be helpful if you would pick an open day, feel free to choose whatever day works for your group.


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