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Family Prayer Team

Public·18 members

From LOL ministry in Belize, (missionaries from Colorado)

Prayer warriors please pray. We now have two intruders. The night everyone prayed before, no one came on campus. Our kids and staff are in danger. They are getting bolder. One was on the property during the day and two in the middle of the night.

Our security has been chasing people through the jungle and this has to STOP! The children are so scared. Please pray with us that we can catch who this is. I am flying Jervis back in the morning.

We actually know one of them, but until we catch them or get some type of evidence we can't do anything with the police. This puts everyone in danger. Please pray a protection over LOL.

Amy Everette

Release Your angels on assignment Lord to surround the compound with Your glory which exposes, flushes out and permanently removes the perpetrators. Thank You Jesus. Amen and amen.


Our family prayer meeting is tomorrow at 10 am mountain time! Looking forward to seeing you all then.

Kaitlin Ford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Colorado family prayer team meeting

Time: May 30, 2024 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Ceasar Paita
May 28, 2024 · added a group cover image.

We have seen two different little cowboys raised from the dead in last two weeks! One in a bull riding accident a bull rider buddy of Kash’s a Fetzer kid was legally dead in the arena after a bull stepped on his chest and when he was revived they thought for sure his lungs were collapsed because his ribs where crushed in but we were all praying Jesus and he has the 5 broken ribs and a bruise on one of his lungs and an air pocket in his chest but absolutely no punctures and he is hanging out at the rodeo today watching his brother and he is doing good 👍 thanks Jesus. That’s what the nurse was saying . She said the only reason that kid is alive today is Jesus cause he was gone

And another a 3 year old fell into a river riding his toy…

Amy Everette

God is so good!!! We give You all the praise and glory Lord God for these miracles! Thank You for Your continuing protection and healing power for those in need across Colorado. Let this be the. Normal testimonies arising statewide. Amen and amen.

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