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Family Prayer Team

Public·18 members


Just a reminder that our state family prayer meeting is today at 10 am on zoom ( I will put the link below). We will be praying these topics:

April 2024

  • We bind the proclamation made by our president blaspheming Holy Resurrection Day with the homosexual agenda. We pray for forgiveness of our nation and fundamentally reject this decree. We loose and declare God’s plan for the American families!

  • We pray that the state of Colorado would come into the realization of abortion. We pray the leadership would have the scales removed from their eyes to see the truth of what they are pushing into our state.

  • We pray for the exposure of all agendas against the families of Colorado and the Church being pushed by our leaders.

Ceasar Paita
April 18, 2024 · added a group cover image.
Ceasar Paita
April 18, 2024 · added a group cover image.

Hello & blessings to you beloved brothers and sisters in Christ!! I wanted to share this resource that a dear family friend shared with us after being brought into a holy travail with the Lord where this was birthed. This is a resource unlike any other to help minister to and restore those who have knowingly or unknowingly participated in the shedding of innocent blood through an abortion. I deeply feel the Lord on it, and I am amazed by the merciful heart of the Father reflected through this restorative ministry resource. Please consider reading through it and prayerfully considering sharing it with your congregations (Link below? 🙏🏽❤‍🔥🙏🏻 We believe the Lord is bringing a rebirth to America if the church responds in true repentance of the many evil things our nation has participated in. Will you join your sword in this battlefront of resourcing your people with this …

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