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Family Prayer Team

Public·18 members

Alternatives pregnancy centers Denver

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a grandmother who called us over the weekend. She asked that we pray for her grandson and his girlfriend who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Please pray they will contact us for support.

  • Please pray for a counseling client who is processing an unexpected life change amidst working on her childhood trauma. She does not want to lose focus on her progress but feels drawn to her old coping habits for these new stressors.

  • Pray for a couple who came in for options counseling around an unplanned pregnancy. The father wants to carry, but the mother is unsure about their relationship, as it is new. Pray that their relationship will be strengthened, that they will have good communication and that they will not be pitted against each other.

  • Praise for a couple who came in seeking an abortion and just decided…

Hope House Northern Colorado


  • Praises for piloting a class on women’s health in August for our teen moms!

  • Praises for the businesses and organizations that have committed to sponsoring our 2024 Gala!

  • Praises for a few of our teen moms that completed our Parenting Class!

  • Praises for God bringing forth a Program Coordinator who will start work with Hope House on August 26th.

Alternatives pregnancy centers Denver

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a client who is considering an abortion due to financial stress and a devastating recent health diagnosis. Pray for courage and the ability to have hope beyond her current circumstances.

  • Please celebrate and continue to pray for an ongoing counseling client who has experienced multiple traumas in her life. She has committed herself to a healthier lifestyle and choices moving forward after experiencing significant healing through her therapy at Alternatives.

  • Pray for men to sign up for our new post-abortion recovery group.

  • Pray for dads to show up to our fatherhood workshop this Saturday.



Alternatives pregnancy centers

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for a client who is facing an unexpected pregnancy and struggling with the decision. The client said she was lied to and she feels everything is falling apart under her.

  • Pray for a client who is currently seeing us for ongoing counseling. She has received devastating news from her family and feels that her current progress will be hard to maintain while managing this difficult news.

  • Pray for a client pressured to have an abortion by the baby's father. She says she doesn’t want to abort, but then she changes her mind after talking with him. She is dependent on him for her housing and food. Please pray for our new Community Navigator as she helps our client find resources that could help her parent without having to rely on the father. 

  • Pray for a client who is planning to carry her pregnancy to…

Hope House Northern Colorado


  • Praises for a teen mom who has moved into a new apartment. She is making significant steps toward self-sufficiency!

  • Praises that teen moms in our program are referring other teen moms to Hope House.

  • Praises that Hope House staff has worked hard to pick up slack under difficult circumstances.

  • Praises that a teen mom who has struggled to pass a GED test has done so and is moving on to the next test with confidence.




Alternatives pregnancy centers Denver

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a couple who recently broke up and is having logistical obstacles to having a baby. They are leaning toward having an abortion.

  • Please pray for a client who is escaping a life of abuse and is pregnant. Pray God’s protection and blessing over her.

  • Praise God for a client who changed her mind about choosing an abortion. When she came to her ultrasound appointment she was undecided, but after the ultrasound she decided to carry.

  • Praise God for many new patients who are pursuing additional counseling sessions with our staff following their STD testing appointments.


Thank you for all you do!


Alternatives pregnancy centers Denver

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for an patient receiving STD Testing & Treatment services. She is seeking God and trying to figure out his will for her life and how that plays out practically in her relationships.  

  • Please pray for a client who is in shock about her pregnancy. She is considering abortion because she feels that she is too young to have a child.  

  • Please pray for three new mentees in our fatherhood program. Pray for rich relationships between the mentee and mentor and for opportunities for Christian discipleship with them.  

  • Please pray for peace and joy for our new men’s intern who is in a very busy season of life.  

Hope House northern Colorado

  • Praises for businesses that have said “YES” to sponsoring our Gala in September.

  • Praises for new applicants beginning to engage in our program.

  • Praises for the staff being flexible as other staff take time off this summer.

  • Continue to pray that God would lead Hope House to the right Program Coordinator.

  • Please pray for one of our moms who will receive a substantial insurance check from a car accident. As we prayed for this teen mom last month, she has completely disengaged from the program and may be falling back into unhealthy relationships with family who potentially will financially abuse her.

Pray that parents now raise their children to know their power and authority by demonstrating that power and authority to their children.

Kaitlin Ford
19 juin



Alternative pregnancy canters Denver

Prayer Requests


  • Please pray for a former sex worker who left the industry at the request of her boyfriend. She is now pregnant with his baby and he is pressuring her into an abortion and shaming her for her past. She has a new job but is barely making ends meet. She is committed to raising her baby and knows she will be a single parent. She is considering a return to sex work where she can make better money to provide for her child.

  • Please pray for a client in Counseling After Abortion.She is stuck in a cycle of crisis due to additional deep trauma that she is having trouble addressing due to a lack of support and access to resources.

  • Pray for several clients who are undecided in their pregnancy decision. They are basing their decisions on how far along they are in…

The little three year old boy who we have been praying for after a drowning accident went home to Jesus yesterday. There are so many questions on why he miraculously woke up and then continue on his journey home, but all I know is he is home now and we need to continue to pray for his family that will be missing him here. Please keep them in your prayers

Alternatives pregnancy centers Denver

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a young client who is conflicted in her pregnancy decision. She expressed that deep down she doesn’t want to have an abortion, but she is being influenced by the father of the baby and feels uncertain of the support of her parents. With these pressures, she feels abortion is a better option. Please pray she keeps in contact with her client advocate and that the Lord works in the hearts of all concerned.

  • Please pray for a client who is in a state of indecision related to her pregnancy. She doesn’t want the responsibility of being a mom again, as her other children are older.  She was emotional when she saw the ultrasound and the baby’s heart beating.  Please pray the Lord will continue to open her heart to the life inside her and the resources of support to come alongside…

From LOL ministry in Belize, (missionaries from Colorado)

Prayer warriors please pray. We now have two intruders. The night everyone prayed before, no one came on campus. Our kids and staff are in danger. They are getting bolder. One was on the property during the day and two in the middle of the night.

Our security has been chasing people through the jungle and this has to STOP! The children are so scared. Please pray with us that we can catch who this is. I am flying Jervis back in the morning.

We actually know one of them, but until we catch them or get some type of evidence we can't do anything with the police. This puts everyone in danger. Please pray a protection over LOL.

Amy Everette

Release Your angels on assignment Lord to surround the compound with Your glory which exposes, flushes out and permanently removes the perpetrators. Thank You Jesus. Amen and amen.


We have seen two different little cowboys raised from the dead in last two weeks! One in a bull riding accident a bull rider buddy of Kash’s a Fetzer kid was legally dead in the arena after a bull stepped on his chest and when he was revived they thought for sure his lungs were collapsed because his ribs where crushed in but we were all praying Jesus and he has the 5 broken ribs and a bruise on one of his lungs and an air pocket in his chest but absolutely no punctures and he is hanging out at the rodeo today watching his brother and he is doing good 👍 thanks Jesus. That’s what the nurse was saying . She said the only reason that kid is alive today is Jesus cause he was gone

And another a 3 year old fell into a river riding his toy…

Amy Everette

God is so good!!! We give You all the praise and glory Lord God for these miracles! Thank You for Your continuing protection and healing power for those in need across Colorado. Let this be the. Normal testimonies arising statewide. Amen and amen.


Sorry for the confusion everyone I moved the meeting to the last Thursday of this month at 10 due to the fact my son will be competing in the state championship in bull riding!! Many prayers for him and all the rodeo contestants this weekend in Craig. I thought I had made a post about this, however it seems I did not. I apologize for any confusion.

Alternatives pregnancy centers Denver

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a couple and their family as they continue to have housing struggles. Please pray for their openness to the resources we shared with them.

  • Please pray for the new intern joining our men’s program. Pray for his encouragement, excitement and longevity.

  • Please pray for a few of our clients who are in a place of indecision. For a variety of reasons, they are wrestling between parenting and abortion. Please pray the Lord works in their hearts and minds as they process their decision.

  • Please pray for a patient receiving our services for STD Testing & Treatment. She is struggling with the infidelity of her ex-partner and processing the end of a long-term relationship.

Prayers for Alternatives Pregnancy Centers in Denver

Prayer Requests

Pray for several patients who came in for STD testing over the last few weeks. Many of them have received difficult news from their test results.

Pray for a client who is experiencing a high-risk pregnancy. She has a long history of trauma and is having difficulty believing she can live differently and better during this pregnancy. The baby's father is also a client and we are hopeful that with all the services we can provide to both, their story can be beautiful.

Pray for a client mourning her abortion and struggling to address long-term trauma.

Please pray for a client couple we served this week. They are on the fence between parenting and abortion and we have been unable to contact them.

Alternatives Pregnancy Centers

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a mentee who needs her work permit extended so she can stay in the USA and provide for her baby who is due in May.

  • Please pray for a young client who is considering a 2nd trimester abortion because she already has a 2-year-old son and doesn’t know how she can have another child right now. Pray that we are able to get in touch with her and offer options counseling and education.

  • Please pray for a client who is pregnant as a result of rape. She is determined to have an abortion. Please pray for her heart and for the peace only Jesus can give her during this hard time.

  • We are grateful that one of our clients who planned to have an abortion returned to our clinic for an ultrasound and decided to carry her child to term and parent.…

Hope House Northern Colorado

Hi Prayer Team,

Thank you for your continued prayers for Hope House and Teen Moms in our community!


Praises to one of our teen moms who finally receive her driver’s license which is an important and necessary step toward self-sufficiency.

Praises for those who have chosen to be sponsors and guests at our upcoming “Hope in Bloom” women’s fundraising brunch. If you would like to support or attend, please visit

Dave Shumpert

Just a reminder that our monthly meeting is tomorrow at 10 am. These are our primary prayer focuses:

  • We pray for a turning of the Father’s hearts to the sons and the son’s hearts to the fathers-Malachi 4:6. Pray a supernatural spirit of love and protection to over take parents (of the born and unborn) in the state of Colorado 

  • We pray for the harvesters (volunteers and beneficiaries) to take their places and do the work of the Kingdom for the families in Colorado 

  • We pray for a return of the families to the church. Pray a longing in their hearts to be in Godly communities. Pray that the church would move their tent stakes out and receive more children into the Kingdom. Isaiah 54:2-3

  • We pray for a biblical stance to be taken by families and strength with out fear  to protect their children 

”Behold, children are a heritage…

Nikki B

From Alternatives pregnancy centers

Prayer Requests

  • PRAISE GOD that our client who planned to have a late term abortion on March 5 did NOT go through with it. She walked out of the abortion clinic the day of her appointment! Her family is now planning her baby shower. Thank you all for your prayers!!

  • Please pray for a young woman who is considering abortion and adoption. She is getting conflicting messages from people in her life, so she thinks abortion is the “easiest” answer. Thankfully, she canceled her abortion appointment last week so she can come in for an ultrasound. Please pray for peace for her as she is struggling with the many opinions being thrown at her and pray that she will attend her ultrasound appointment next week.

  • Pray for a pregnant client who is in a place of indecision but leaning towards abortion. She knows she will be…

Nikki B
Nikki B
Nikki B
22 mars

Prayers are sent🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽! Praise God for the clients choosing life🙌🏾👏🏾☝🏾❤! May those babies grow strong in the Lord & do mighty things for our King Yeshua!


Alternatives pregnancy centers

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the men in the Post-Abortion Recovery for Men pilot group. Pray that they would find healing and grow in their relationship with the Lord.

  • Please pray for a formerly abortion-minded couple who is now carrying to term. They are facing many challenges in their relationship and work environments.

  • Please pray for one of our patients who is trying to figure out how to have a healthy relationship after years of abuse.

  • Please pray for a long-time volunteer who has been diagnosed with lung cancer and will be going through treatment.

Nikki B
Nikki B
Nikki B
08 mars

Prayers sent🙏🏽🙌🏾🔥💞! And my God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!


Also, very important... I will be going to see the property while there in CO. to pray over the grounds & claim it in person. Its my 1st time seeing the property in person so please stand with me to take possession of the land promised to me & for the miraculous to occur so Safe Haven Refuge Ministries can get firmly seated & rooted to fulfill God's purposes in the region! Praise God for the victories & I wait with great expectation for our Lord God to provide all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! You are my King, O God; Command victories for Jacob. Through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us. Yes & Amen🔥🙏🏽☝🏾💞

Kaitlin Ford

Prayer request please! Please pray for my safe travels going and coming also for the protection & safety of my household while I'm away about my Father's business. Please pray I make amazing kingdom connections & partnerships as I will be in Colorado Springs April 1st for a formal conference. Pray I move in the Holy Spirit with authority, wisdom, & discernment & any weapon or distraction formed against me shall not prosper & is destroyed by the fire of the Lord in Yeshua's mighty name!

Praying for you Nikki!! So excited to have you here in Colorado


Hope House Northern for teen moms


  • Praises that 6 teen moms engaged in the Healthy Relationships Class Series with 2 completing the entire series! They are learning to identify healthy and unhealthy relationships and know how to set boundaries.

  • Praises that Hope House received a $20,000 donation from Baessler Homes “Night of Giving”!

  • Praises for Generations Church who has continued their support of Hope House for a second year, providing space at their church, volunteers and resources to help support our teen moms!

Prayer Requests:

Nikki B
Nikki B
Nikki B
05 mars

Praise the Lord! Prayers have been sent in Yeshua's name🙏🏽


April 13 is the day to go to your capital and stand for our children! Let them know not to be messing with OUR kids!

Nikki B
Nikki B
Nikki B
27 févr.

Stand firm in Jesus name🙏🏽💪🏾!


Prayer requests from Alternatives Pregnancy Centers Denver

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a momma mentee who is in a legal struggle with the father of her baby. The situation is volatile and we are praying for her emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.

  • Please pray for a momma mentee who has asked us all to pray for her husband who is struggling with possible liver failure.

  • Please pray for a 19-year-old client who is close to 30 weeks (about 7 months) pregnant. A local hospital has her scheduled for a late-term abortion that takes place over several days. Please join us in prayer for God’s mercy and intervention in her life.

  • Please pray for several clients who have been to our clinic for STD testing and have questionable results and need further evaluation.

Dave Shumpert
23 févr.



Prayer requests from alternative's pregnancy centers Denver

Prayer Requests

Please pray for a woman who called us in middle of the night desperate for an abortion due to being in an abusive relationship. She disconnected the call with us. Please let the Lord lead her to the resources available to help.

Pray for several woman in our Counseling After Abortion program who are experiencing a lot of crisis and chaos in their lives in addition to their abortion loss and grief. They describe a common feeling of not being able to get their heads above water and feel like they are drowning in suffering and fear of the unknown.

Please pray for a client who recently had a miscarriage and is pregnant again. Due to health complications with her current pregnancy, she will have to deliver the baby at 22 weeks gestation. Please pray for the doctors who will be…

Nikki B
Nikki B
Nikki B
12 févr.

Standing in prayer! Glory be to Him who is willing & able🙏🏽


Alternatives pregnancy centers

  • Prayer Requests

  • Pray for a client who found out she was pregnant and is encountering extreme emotional, physical, and mental pressure from the father of the baby to have another abortion. She does not want the abortion. She has an abortion in her past and wants things to be different this time, but she is struggling with the pressure. Pray for her resilience and for other support in her life.

  • Please pray for a pregnant client who is experiencing chaos, crisis, and relationship trauma. She's excited to have her baby and made the hard choice to carry to term within horrible circumstances but those circumstances have not let up at all. Her baby is due on February 19.

  • Pray for the clients we have repeatedly tried to reach but we have lost contact with.

  • Pray for a previous client who found out at her ultrasound appointment that…

26 janv.

Thank you, Kaitlin. Praying over all you shared. 🙏🙏🙏


Hope House Northern Colorado

Praise report:

  • Praises for a successful Board Retreat where we made exciting plans for Hope House in 2024. Praises for the individuals on the board who love our teen moms and the mission that God has laid before us!

  • Praises for a teen mom who is excited to begin her GED journey!

  • Praises for our volunteers who have already committed to helping in childcare for our Healthy Relationships Series!

Prayer request:


Alternatives pregnancy centers

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for a client who was recently diagnosed with diabetes and is learning how to manage her new normal.

  • Pray for a caller who was looking for housing, resources and emergency shelters. She's been living out of her car and has two kiddos in foster care and just found out she’s pregnant. 

  • Pray for two counseling after abortion clients who have experienced enormous losses of people in their lives in addition to grieving the loss of their babies. 


Alternatives Pregnancy Center Colorado

Prayer Requests


  • Please pray for seven more of the dads in Fatherhood Mentoring to finish the Doctor Dad curriculum. 

  • Pray for a client with a history of miscarriage who is concerned for her current pregnancy.

  • Please pray for a woman who is six months pregnant and facing eviction and has no working car. Alternatives is referring her to Marisol Homes, so please pray she is accepted.  Also, please pray she can figure out her transportation issue so she can keep her job.

Hope House Northern Colorado (teen moms)


Praises for exceeding our Colorado Day gives goal for a total of over $10,800!

Praises for being able to celebrate a GED graduation with a teen mom and her extended family!

Praise God for the different partnerships that helped provide Christmas gifts to our teen moms and kiddos this holiday season.

Praises for God leading new teen moms to Hope House. Pray that God would give them courage to engage in our program.

Colorado Life Initutive

Reminder the weekly prayer call is today from noon-1pm (605)313-5646

Access code: 2864349

Here are some prayer points. If ur schedule won't allow joining today please pray on ur own.

-For Colo to turn from a state of death to a state of Life.

-For people to see the truth about about abortion and to give every child a birth day.


Hope House Northern Colorado (teen mother ministry)


  • Praises for nearly meeting our goal on Colorado Gives Day raising over $9,700!

  •  Praises for companies that created a matching gift on Colorado Gives Day of $3,500; Perspective Wealth Management, Calvary Chapel, and High Country Beverage and Crown Distributors!

  • Praises for one of our teen moms completing her GED!

  • Praise God for all the hard work of our teen moms in 2023 as they attend the Christmas Store and shop for their families for Christmas. Pray that they would feel a sense of accomplishment and that they would feel loved.


We are Ten24 Ministries. We serve single parent families and trafficked individuals in Northern Colorado through support and education. We provide monthly foodboxes and Vocational Workshops. More information is available at Prayer Requests: -Anti-trafficking ops are being done and many of the victims are pregnant and addicted to fentanyl. Pray to break the power of addiction, health and life for unborn babies, and freedom for the victims. -Pray for families as a whole. That God would create safe and healthy families and marriages. -Pray for a single parents to be filled with faith and the Holy Spirit that would strengthen them as the leaders of their family. We ask this in order that they may share love and faith with their children and be comforted in their times of stress, trial and fatigue. -Bring additional supports around those most in need in our area. Bring community, protection, lacking …

Dave Shumpert
Dave Shumpert
02 déc. 2023

This ministry is amazing and reading over it and praying for it. God bless you guys keep up the good work.


Hope House Northern Colorado ( a ministry for teen mothers)

Thank you for your continued prayers for Hope House and Teen Moms in our community!


  • Praise God for helping to connect Hope House to a community partner that helped resolve financial issues for a mom whose car was totaled in an accident. Continue to pray that God would provide transportation for 2 of our teen moms.  

  • Praise God in thanksgiving for those funders who continue to provide grants to Hope House for their programming.

  • Praise God for the two teen moms who have engaged in the GED program. Pray that they would stay dedicated until completion.

Colette MacFarlane

Prayer points for foster care in the state of Colorado!

Pray that children in your community would know they are loved by God and understand that He desires to be in relationship with them.

Pray that children in foster care would experience a feeling of belonging in a foster family, a church community, or a group of friends within your community.

Pray that God would lead them as they work through hurt they have experienced in their past and in their present.


Biological Families

Colette MacFarlane
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