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Family Prayer Team

Public·18 members


Just a reminder that our state family prayer meeting is today at 10 am on zoom ( I will put the link below). We will be praying these topics:

April 2024

  • We bind the proclamation made by our president blaspheming Holy Resurrection Day with the homosexual agenda. We pray for forgiveness of our nation and fundamentally reject this decree. We loose and declare God’s plan for the American families!

  • We pray that the state of Colorado would come into the realization of abortion. We pray the leadership would have the scales removed from their eyes to see the truth of what they are pushing into our state.

  • We pray for the exposure of all agendas against the families of Colorado and the Church being pushed by our leaders.

  • We pray that a righteous indignation would arise in the hearts of the Churches of Colorado. That we may make a stand here in this state with open eyes and pure hearts.

  • We pray for sustained boldness and courage to take a stand! We pray a supernatural protection for those who will stand in the state of Colorado for the families here and may they have much success in pushing back hell.

We pray the outpouring of Holy Spirt on the sons and daughters be released in Colorado.

  • We pray an anointing of dreams and visions for destiny and identity to be loosed on the families in Colorado.

Kaitlin Ford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Colorado state family prayer meeting

Time: Apr 25, 2024 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 772 7249 3928

Passcode: zdV5R7

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