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Family Prayer Team

Publicยท18 members

From Alternatives pregnancy centers

Prayer Requests

  • PRAISE GOD that our client who planned to have a late term abortion on March 5 did NOT go through with it. She walked out of the abortion clinic the day of her appointment! Her family is now planning her baby shower. Thank you all for your prayers!!

  • Please pray for a young woman who is considering abortion and adoption. She is getting conflicting messages from people in her life, so she thinks abortion is the โ€œeasiestโ€ answer. Thankfully, she canceled her abortion appointment last week so she can come in for an ultrasound. Please pray for peace for her as she is struggling with the many opinions being thrown at her and pray that she will attend her ultrasound appointment next week.

  • Pray for a pregnant client who is in a place of indecision but leaning towards abortion. She knows she will be emotionally harmed if she has an abortion, but she missed her ultrasound appointment. Pray she will be open to continued conversations with her client advocate as she works through her decision.

  • Pray for a woman who wants to parent but feels like she has no support and will be shamed by her family. Pray for courage for her to share the pregnancy with her family and for their hearts to be softened towards her as she is in a very vulnerable place. ย 

  • Pray for a client who has twin girls and is now pregnant again and considering abortion. ย Pray for her upcoming ultrasound appointment and for the conversation to be guided by God's spirit to open her mind and heart to consider an alternative.

  • Pray for students at Columbine High School to leave our Taking Charge workshop feeling encouraged and equipped to make healthier whole-person decisions.

  • Pray for the upcoming training with the Center for Pregnancy Choices in Mississippi. The Program Director will go to Mississippi in April to train the center in The Diamond Standard Curriculum to equip their clients and community.ย 

  • Praise God for the successful training of our fatherhood and momma mentor and mentees. They gathered together, shared a meal and attended a workshop on healthy conflict management and developing deeper intimacy.

  • Pray for hearts and minds to be moved to engage in the Alternatives at the March. Pray that people will walk with us, join us for the tour of the downtown clinic and participate in the ongoing fundraiser!

  • Pray for new staff who recently joined our team. Please pray for the Human Resources Coordinator as she continues onboarding and recruiting new staff.

  • ย Pray for the Office Manager, as we are making some changes and moving around our spaces at the Inverness location. Please pray for a smooth transition.

Nikki B
Nikki B
Nikki B
Mar 22

Prayers are sent๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ! Praise God for the clients choosing life๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพโ˜๐Ÿพโค! May those babies grow strong in the Lord & do mighty things for our King Yeshua!

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