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Arts FOH Prayer Team

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Lisa DuBois
June 5, 2024 · changed the group description.

This prayer team intercedes for every aspect of the Arts sector of Colorado.

Your Prayer Leader is Lisa DuBois who is Membership Chair of the Thompson Valley Art League in Loveland.

Meetings are by phone:

2nd Mondays at 9:30am

Dial (605) 313-5743 Access Code: 2686271#

God's creativity and glory are on display every day in the beauty of Colorado. Let the heavens declare the glory of God!

Let's pray together! Next prayer call is July 8 @9:30am.

What is God putting on your heart concerning the arts and artists in Colorado?



PRAYER POINTS (from June 2024 Prayer Digest):

1. We declare, in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ, that all idols that are falsely worshiped in Colorado through arts and entertainment of all kinds are now being exposed and destroyed because Jesus is the only One to be worshipped and glorified in our State.

2. We declare that our God is now taking all hearts of stone in the arts and entertainment industry here in Colorado and turning them to flesh.

3. We declare that believers in every form of Colorado arts and entertainment are humble and pliable in His hands, fashioned for His good works.

Lisa DuBois

Thank you Raica! Hope you will join our next prayer call: Monday morning, July 8, 9:30am

Yahweh will always guide you where to go and what to do. He will fill you with refreshment even when you are in a dry difficult place. He will continually restore strength to you, so you will flourish like a well-watered garden and like an ever-flowing, trustworthy spring of blessing.
Your people will rebuild long-deserted ruins, building anew on foundations laid long before you. You will be known as repairers of the Cities and Restorers of Communities. - Isaiah 58:11-12

I enjoyed our first prayer meeting over the arts and artists in Colorado. Today was an intimate group - just me and Jesus! - as we are just getting started with this FOH group. I am happy to be hosting this prayer group every 2nd Monday. I hope you can join me Monday July 8, 9:30am.

Here are the notes from today's meeting:

Arts FOH 06.10.2024
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Lisa DuBois


This prayer team intercedes for every aspect of the Arts sec...
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