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Arapahoe Civic Prayer Team

Public·23 members
August 12, 2021 · joined the group.
Amy Everette
Amy Everette
Aug 13, 2021

Welcome John! We look forward to praying with you for Arapaho County!

Patricia Ann Prioleau-Santiago
Patricia Ann Prioleau-Santiago

Good evening saints of the Most High God!

With so much whirling around us in the air physically and literally as distractions, our morning prayer session will focus on the “Goodness of God.”

It has become common place to pray the answers for the issues at hand because our God gives us that freedom. He says to “ask, seek, knock” so we do; or better yet we continually “do.” 😂

So, our topic for in the morning is “God’s Goodness.”

Psalm 27:13; says “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Not only did David see the LORD’s goodness, but he lived it. And so we too must desire to see and live God’s goodness in this present “land of the living.” Even with distractions whirling around, David knew this fact intimately about his God; and we too must…

Patricia Ann Prioleau-Santiago
Patricia Ann Prioleau-Santiago

First and foremost,

Thank you to the intercessors for making the switch to Zoom.

CTC Scriptures released over the county this morning:

  • Proverbs 1:7

  • Numbers 21:4-8 (Covid & TCHD)

  • James 1:5

Patricia Ann Prioleau-Santiago
Patricia Ann Prioleau-Santiago

Good evening saints of God,

I pray your week is going well in Jesus‘ name. Prayer topics for tomorrow morning‘s prayer time is:

  • Tri-County Health Department; Covid-19 delta variant.

  • Back to School preparations for families, students, teachers, Administrators and staff.

  • Integrity in Leadership

  • and Perseverance.

Call Details

Welcome to the Arapahoe County Civic Prayer Team which is an...


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