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Arapahoe Civic Prayer Team

Public·23 members

Amy Everette
March 10, 2023 · updated the description of the group.

Welcome to the Arapahoe County Civic Prayer Team which is an initiative of Colorado Prays. We look forward to praying together regularly based on 1Thes 5:17. This online group is available to share announcements, spiritual insight, prayer points and answered prayers.

Your Prayer Leader is Patricia Prioleau-Santiago.

Our foundational scripture is from 1Thessalonians 5:17. We as believers are encouraged to pray without ceasing. The Master teacher (Jesus) taught the disciples how and what to pray. How much more are we to pray by the power of the Holy Spirit unto the Father.

Our Weekly Call is every Tuesday at Noon

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 645 605 9808

Passcode: 0px6tb

Dial Access without video: 720 707 2699 (Denver)

Meeting ID: 645 605 9808 Passcode: 100620

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Philippians 1:6


Be Respectful

Everyone has a different point of view and each participant adheres to different biblical teachings. Please be kind and courteous even if you disagree with what is being prayed.

Maintain Confidentiality

Some discussions in this group may be sensitive or contain sensitive information, so what’s said in the group must stay in the group.

Call Details

Welcome to the Arapahoe County Civic Prayer Team which is an...


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