Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
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Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
A Movement of united, strategic, sustainble 24/7 Prayer for colorado
To see the sustained transformation of every sphere of society in Colorado in alignment with God's design and purpose for our state.
Equip and mobilize non-stop prayer across Colorado in 3 prayer initiatives so that believers statewide cover every county in prayer.
Prayer is not the end game. It is the spiritual engine that drives transformation: less crime, fewer suicides, better marriages, higher high school graduation rates, more faith & godliness....less fear, anger and hopelessness
To see the sustained transformation of every sphere of society in Colorado in alignment with God's design and purpose for our state.
Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.
Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.
Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.